Tuesday, March 28, 2006

74/365 Dan

Dan, a waiter (who claimed he could tell by looking), was constantly sizing up dining room customers, picking out sinners bound for hell. He believed he was serving spiritual nourishment--medium-rare with a side of godliness while I, the cocktail waitress, delivered their vice.


Blogger Susan said...

LOL...gotta love those vice-deliverers.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Sabine said...

Yes - give me a deliverer of vice anyday.

9:23 AM  
Blogger B Kiddo said...

FRA - did you serve those vices shaken or stirred? I imagine they could have complimented any side order of Godliness.

9:27 AM  
Blogger jane said...

in the shoulder angel/devil scenes, the devils are always dressed so much better. ;)

10:48 AM  
Blogger Indigo Bunting said...

I'd like mine shaken, not stirred, with a twist, please.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

Did he wear white and were you cloaked in black?

4:02 PM  
Blogger - Christine said...

Indigo, there's always a twist...Dan and I actually tried dating. Yes, each other. Why you ask? Because he was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS and I don't know what he was thinking - maybe he found me "entertaining."

We spent many nights discussing philosophy and sprituality (read: arguing) on my terrace often until sunrise. If you didn't consider the fact that our views of life were polarly opposite, we got along quite well.

At about the same time I came to the realization that there would be no hot sex with this man, he realized he wouldn't be saving my tattered soul. So we called it quits but remained friends until he moved. The last thing he did that I remember was left a dead horseshoe crab on my car windshield because he thought I'd like it. I realized then that he had been paying attention all along.

Beatrix: Shaken
Helen: I recall I wore red ;-)
Jane: I definitely had the more fabulous footwear...

4:25 PM  

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