35/365 Lori
Whenever it came up I told Lori “Quit griping. You’re imagining it. Workplace racism is history.” After dropping her off the first time we socialized, my boyfriend seethed. “You didn’t tell me she was black!” I’d been shamelessly blind to what Lori saw clearly.
I think you are not blind but rather quite gifted to see the beauty of a person's soul regardless of their "wrapper". Somedays I wish we were all purple.
racism is here
if only more could see it
freedom might be real
Those who haven't experienced racism, think it's gone - those who experience it, know it's alive and well.
even though I've always rejecting anything even hinting at racism, I once was sadly surprised to find myself thinking of someone as "my black friend, Eric"
it takes moments of clarity like this to allow us to move past ingrained color seperations in our mind, and find that space where Eric becomes "my friend", and nothing more (and nothing less)
having the ability to see in a way that erases the color boundary (whether black, iranian, indian, pakistani) isn't always an easy thing, but it's worth cultivating
thanks for this poignant reminder that opening our eyes is every bit as important as opening our hearts
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